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What is Group Therapy?

Group Therapy is a broad term that encompasses a range of formats. Groups can range from support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and their famous 12-step program to community groups for specific health conditions (e.g. people recovering from cancer) or disabilities (e.g. parents with ADHD children) to something as simple as a walking group for older people.

General or Specific

The goal of group therapy is to create positive change by addressing issues in the group members' lives. In some groups, the members might come together to address a specific issue that they all have in common.  Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a famous example, but there are many other groups designed to look at specific issues such as eating disorders, or specific illnesses, such as cancer support groups. In other groups, the common element may be more general. It might be a men's or women's group. Or might be based around a common age group - such as teenagers, or older people. Or it might just be a group of people that have come together to work on improving their mental wellness and resilience.  No matter what draws the group together the common bond that will always be present is a desire to create a space to reflect and grow, to make life better. 

who wilL be at the group?

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